Thursday, March 20, 2008

Last Post, pls take note.

i think will be the last post in my blog,
i thank everyone who had help me along the way during p2 and stop motion is fun and tedious.
But though it is tiring and tedious,
its something that i want to co nsider for fyp, no need to worry about the weather and everything.
Its good =DDDDD...

For others viewing convienance,
I had also labeled all my entries under ,

so just click on the labels and you can see the full process of each stage.
and btw Yokee, the storyboard which i did for my group , is with bernard, i am not very sure he submited to you the hard copy. or softcopy, and i dun have them now coz it is lall with him, so i will get him to get them to you .

and last of all,
the pictures i have is taken by either anyone in the group using bernard's camera.
He also resized it for a more convienant usage.
SOOOO>>> thank you BERNARDD~!!
I also thank ling and daniel, they are wonderful groupmates too...
And also thank you emily for participating in the production ...weee~~!
i lovee youuuuu guyss <3

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

last day of thingy

Today is the last day of the video stuff and etc . It was all good and well, and Daniel and Bernard is doing all the touoch up and other thingys. i hope everything goes well.

This p2 is very enjoyable working with such wonderful people makes me happy and i am glad for their companionship in this journey, they help me alot. i also learn alot from them. i guess i will miss them <3.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Storyboard done =D!


Post-production day 3

After a night of drawings and more drawings, i feel sicker then yesterday but I managed to finish most of the storyboard. I am only leaved with the last 3 scence. I decided to pack up and go to school to finish the rest of the things. I went to school to meet up the rest of the group.

They were in hereafter to do the editing of the video. And I went there to draw the rest of the storyboard. mainly the three scences. I managed to finished the storyboard and I pass it to Bernard who will scan it in his pc. I will upload some pictures on that.

From what I see,I think we are almost 80 percent there. Bernard doing the credits and other misc thing like dvd cover and etc. Daniel doing the editing and he sound stuff for the video. And I was tell doing the storyboard. It was a very progressive day.

Today was also a nice day as I managed to get the storyboard done up. Although I was tedious but I felt a sense of accomplisment and statisfication after finishing the things. Our storyboard is 12 pages long and there is about 144 shots in total. =D It was worthwhile i guess .<3

After the storyboard done, whats next, BLOG.T.T

Monday, March 17, 2008

i am SICK.


Post-production Day 2

Today we did a reshoot on our Emcee, Emily, and we did abit of voice recording. we first meet in school to set up the lights and camera. Then when Emily came in we are all ready to do her reshoot.

It was successful but we had a huge problem when we are finding a location to shoot emly. The rooms was occupied and blah blah. We finaly after several chasing out and stuff, we found a room to shoot her. Luckily the shoot was successful, if not everyone will be a very cranky person today.

After the reshoot , Daniel by this time already editing the sequence and start on abit of online editing. Liying and Bernard was doing the audio thingy. I help out abit and soon I went on to doing the storyboard. due to the overwhelming responses in the audio room, they can only resume the use there at 9pm to 11pm (as schol closes at 11pm).

I did not return for the 9pm to 11pm session because I was not feeling well. I have this feeling that I be going sicker and sicker. And by now I had only drew 6 pages of storyboard and about 72 shots in total. Idid to get some work done to night.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Audio recording.

Time for pictures.

Post-production Day 1
Today we start on our first day of Post production. we did voice recording today it was pretty fun and enjoyable.
Bernard voice acted as our main lead John Tile. Liying voice acted as the mother, the dog and the police men. Daniel voice acted for the sad friend of John , Tom. And last of all i voice acted as the judge and the maid. Liying, Daniel and me also starred as the dying red indian in the ballroom and the murmuring crowd at the execution. it was fun to puke together. =D
I guess i need to redo the storyboard over the weekend. abit hectic, but i will do a good job.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Last day of Production.

Time for piccy~!

I took this picture for Bernard. i think this is a nice picture.
Our emceee~~~ Emily~~

Production day 8
Today is the Last day of production.
Today we meet up with our emcee and voice over , emily, we recorded her on blue screen and also finished up the execution scence . After that we did some reshoot and the opening and closing scence of our video.
We are finishing, and I know it =D.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Storm is Approaching

Time for pictures again....

Our judge aka Storm.

Production day 7

We were suppose to go to school today but we still have not finish shooting. Hence due to the very bad weather , we continue the shoot in daniel’s house until 9pm. By this time we had finished the ballroom scence. And we spent another half an hour to pack our things up and also organise the props we are bringing to school tomorow.