Thursday, March 20, 2008

Last Post, pls take note.

i think will be the last post in my blog,
i thank everyone who had help me along the way during p2 and stop motion is fun and tedious.
But though it is tiring and tedious,
its something that i want to co nsider for fyp, no need to worry about the weather and everything.
Its good =DDDDD...

For others viewing convienance,
I had also labeled all my entries under ,

so just click on the labels and you can see the full process of each stage.
and btw Yokee, the storyboard which i did for my group , is with bernard, i am not very sure he submited to you the hard copy. or softcopy, and i dun have them now coz it is lall with him, so i will get him to get them to you .

and last of all,
the pictures i have is taken by either anyone in the group using bernard's camera.
He also resized it for a more convienant usage.
SOOOO>>> thank you BERNARDD~!!
I also thank ling and daniel, they are wonderful groupmates too...
And also thank you emily for participating in the production ...weee~~!
i lovee youuuuu guyss <3

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