Friday, February 29, 2008

the Leap year

Time for pictures.


Pre-production Day 5

Today is the last day of February, the leap year mann~~!!

Ok what we did for this leap year was that we got together as a group and start to work on our props and settings. Bernard was doing the food and I help out abit on that one. Ling was painting the props for the execution scence and bedroom. Daniel was doing paperwork for our group in his macbook.

We also loan the equipments and our lecturer peng taught us how to do stop motion with the hd camera. Thanks to him , we would know what to do for this production. We are grateful T.T. After that we hauled the equipment to daniel’s house, which would be our production place. The place where our production begins.

At the end of the day everyone help out with the props and etc. It was fun and enjoyable. I just like working with them. I also started work on the sets that was are going to use. I need to do some planning and sketching over the weekend.

Thursday, February 28, 2008



Pre-production Day 4

Today is the presentation for our idea and story to the entire class. Our idea seem interesting and a lot of people seem to be entertain, I hope it’s a good thing =D. The presentation was smooth and we also use the opportunities to clear some of our doubts with yokee. It was good.

After the presentation we got into our group and we discussed about what kind of props we need to get for our stop motion. And we would use tmr and the weekend to get those props we need for our production. We list out the things we need and we are going to get them.

We went to a group shopping spree after the discussion. Not to shop for ourselves ( though I did some shopping) but for our production. We got beds and cloths and etc for the different sets we need. We also went to shop for our characters. We initially thought of using lego but they are abit too small and their actions are very limited. Hence we decided to use stickfas, as there is a sales on stickfas at toy room in suntec.

Sitckfas has ball joints for the arms, legs and even body. They are also much more bigger in size then lego so we decided to use stickfas. They are not very expensive to =D. At the end of the day we got 2 male stickfas and 2 female stickfas.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

we are OWLS. o.o


Pre-production Day 3

Today we got into a even more indepth discussion on the synopsis of idea, storyboard, script, character profile and designs, time plan, research plan and division of roles. Actually not so much of the roles and all the other blah blah, but we focused a lot on idea. We created the story and planned all the shots carefully.

Since tomorrow is the presentation, everyone worked really hard today. Bernard and Daniel work on the timeplan scripts and synopsis, and blah blah, ling work on the presentations slide that we would need tomorrow, while I work on the storyboard and the character design. I find its abit to hectic for the storyboard to be complete in such a short time. I had to rush and the story board did not look very good, I guess I will redo the storyboard for submission at the end of project 2.

Late night sleep for everyone T.T.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the Thief and his Mum


Pre-production Day 2

Today we got down into our groups. We discussed about the stories that we had picked. And we decided to chose bernard’s story of the thief and his mum. After that we change the story abit, so it became the murderer and his mum. Even though the story is abit different but the plot and the moral of the story remains the same, spare the rod and spoil the child.

We began indepth discussion on the synopsis of idea, storyboard, script, character profile and designs, timeplan, reserach plan and division of roles. As we discuss the story, we also look into details like props and the settings we need. At the end after a discussion with Yokee, we decided to do a stop motion. This is so as it would be easier to convey our idea and the things we wan to do with stop motion rather then real action. It would also be more interesting.

I was then given the role of chracter design and storyboard artist. Meanwhile, everyone went home to look for toys that can be used for the project.

Can we have transformers =D?

Monday, February 25, 2008

our very First Lesson.


Pre-production Day 1

Today we went for our first p2 lessons, we had briefings about the upcoming p2 project. I am quite looking forward to it as we were given a very interesting briefing on it. The lecturer told us that topic that we were doing were Aesop fables and we are suppose to form group to work on it. Although they say they will give us a mail on the details of the project this time, I still take down notes, this way I can remember the details better.

We also found a new group much different and a million times better then my last group. My new group mates are Liying, Bernard and Daniel. They are nice peeps and I am looking forward to work with them.
We were also given the task to look for Aesop fables for our next production. I found three stories. To me I think their plot is sweet and short. It is also straightforward. And the stories are the bald man and the fly, the dog and the wolf , last of all, the lion in love.

They break the animation, and video student up. I was a bit sad on that one, I really hope to work with my best friend, Emily, but too bad. I hope there would be a collaboration next time though.

hello bloggy~~~

This is a test post.
This is a test post.
This is a test post.
This is a test post.
This is a test post.