Monday, February 25, 2008

our very First Lesson.


Pre-production Day 1

Today we went for our first p2 lessons, we had briefings about the upcoming p2 project. I am quite looking forward to it as we were given a very interesting briefing on it. The lecturer told us that topic that we were doing were Aesop fables and we are suppose to form group to work on it. Although they say they will give us a mail on the details of the project this time, I still take down notes, this way I can remember the details better.

We also found a new group much different and a million times better then my last group. My new group mates are Liying, Bernard and Daniel. They are nice peeps and I am looking forward to work with them.
We were also given the task to look for Aesop fables for our next production. I found three stories. To me I think their plot is sweet and short. It is also straightforward. And the stories are the bald man and the fly, the dog and the wolf , last of all, the lion in love.

They break the animation, and video student up. I was a bit sad on that one, I really hope to work with my best friend, Emily, but too bad. I hope there would be a collaboration next time though.

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