Thursday, February 28, 2008



Pre-production Day 4

Today is the presentation for our idea and story to the entire class. Our idea seem interesting and a lot of people seem to be entertain, I hope it’s a good thing =D. The presentation was smooth and we also use the opportunities to clear some of our doubts with yokee. It was good.

After the presentation we got into our group and we discussed about what kind of props we need to get for our stop motion. And we would use tmr and the weekend to get those props we need for our production. We list out the things we need and we are going to get them.

We went to a group shopping spree after the discussion. Not to shop for ourselves ( though I did some shopping) but for our production. We got beds and cloths and etc for the different sets we need. We also went to shop for our characters. We initially thought of using lego but they are abit too small and their actions are very limited. Hence we decided to use stickfas, as there is a sales on stickfas at toy room in suntec.

Sitckfas has ball joints for the arms, legs and even body. They are also much more bigger in size then lego so we decided to use stickfas. They are not very expensive to =D. At the end of the day we got 2 male stickfas and 2 female stickfas.

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