Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the Thief and his Mum


Pre-production Day 2

Today we got down into our groups. We discussed about the stories that we had picked. And we decided to chose bernard’s story of the thief and his mum. After that we change the story abit, so it became the murderer and his mum. Even though the story is abit different but the plot and the moral of the story remains the same, spare the rod and spoil the child.

We began indepth discussion on the synopsis of idea, storyboard, script, character profile and designs, timeplan, reserach plan and division of roles. As we discuss the story, we also look into details like props and the settings we need. At the end after a discussion with Yokee, we decided to do a stop motion. This is so as it would be easier to convey our idea and the things we wan to do with stop motion rather then real action. It would also be more interesting.

I was then given the role of chracter design and storyboard artist. Meanwhile, everyone went home to look for toys that can be used for the project.

Can we have transformers =D?

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