Friday, February 29, 2008

the Leap year

Time for pictures.


Pre-production Day 5

Today is the last day of February, the leap year mann~~!!

Ok what we did for this leap year was that we got together as a group and start to work on our props and settings. Bernard was doing the food and I help out abit on that one. Ling was painting the props for the execution scence and bedroom. Daniel was doing paperwork for our group in his macbook.

We also loan the equipments and our lecturer peng taught us how to do stop motion with the hd camera. Thanks to him , we would know what to do for this production. We are grateful T.T. After that we hauled the equipment to daniel’s house, which would be our production place. The place where our production begins.

At the end of the day everyone help out with the props and etc. It was fun and enjoyable. I just like working with them. I also started work on the sets that was are going to use. I need to do some planning and sketching over the weekend.

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